Today was somewhat a day that I would remember for quite some time. Morning had a football session with Teik Eng and gangs. Sad to say, we lost the game to 3 - 1 but we fought well. I was abit outburst during the game. Prolly I'm way too over.
Took a nap after from football until 4pm. Woke up, go downstairs and my mom was no where to be seen. Then I heard engine sound. My elder sister is back! Which means my coke can, jerseys are here! I was so excited. LOL! Anyhow, I'll show the picture later.
I went to Chee Wei's party at 7pm. Reach there only knew that my ex-classmate wasn't there and we waited at the car until 8pm, only we go down and grab some food. After the food session, we go into his room. And *cough*camwhore*cough* abit.
Chen Lam
My turn to *cough*camwhore*cough*
Chen Lam and Chee Wei
Me and Chee WeiThen around 9pm, arrived one by one. We chit chat a little bit and planning next round. Guess where we going?
GENTING!At first I didn't want to go, cause I don't think my car can tahan. I scared my car would died half way going up and that would be very troublesome. So me and Chen Lam decided to tumpang someone's car. We waited at Damansara Shell for gather everyone. Was too boring while waiting those friends, we took a picture.
Winnie, Min Hui, Mei Lin, Chen Lam, Wei LingWe go Genting at 1am. Now here's the scary part. The driver I tumpang, he didn't pay the toll. He just run through the toll booth without paying it. That's my first experience going through toll booth without paying. Was so excited and nervous. Oh did I mentioned about the driver's driving skill? I will not go too far, but is a bit dangerous. Anyhow, we reached Genting by around 2am. We continue our session at old kopitiam shop and chat for more than 2 hours. We left at 4am. Took some picture before we left. And it's like since don't know god knows when we last took picture.
Winnie, Wei Ling, Min Hui, Mei Lin, MeThen two classmate being dragged by me to *cough*camwhore*cough*
Min Hui, Winnie, Me, Wei Ling, Mei Lin, Meng Keat, Kah Mun
The "taiko" and three goddess. Rofl! Camwhore then say la! >=)Finally I got a picture with me and Wei Ling.

Random Picture took by me while waiting.

While going down, they chasing each other. This the picture I able to took while the "drifting" down.

Seriously, I enjoyed the trip and I also know what's the meaning of speeding now. LOL!