I was suppose to write something here but I do not know what to write.

Friday, March 20, 2009



A new website to share the latest info about.. EVERYTHING! You can get alot of info like IT, latest fashion, upcoming movies, and you can even get to know more friends through online!

The best thing is that if you have any doubts or questions about some gadgets or anything, you can ask for solution in SOS section.

There's alot of discussion going on around within the forum where you can get to know alot of friend, information, or maybe something you never thought about!

SurfLoft is the name. So make yourself free, go visit the forum. (:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hitz.FM creation

I like all the creations they made. Though is wrong by illegally making up a video without the original's consent, but still makes everyone laugh.