I was suppose to write something here but I do not know what to write.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Exams! and some other things.

Exams are around the corner. The corner happens to be tomorrow! Tomorrow will be my MUET test. A test that determines if I can take UIU subjects for all the coming semesters. BAH! I never study or anything cause my friends kept on telling me it's easy and stuff. Well, hopefully like what they say. If I really fail MUET, I need to rush it by taking IELTS or TOEFL which cost at least MYR500.

So expensive! Go rompak bank laaaa! :(

I might be rude. I might be cruel. But you'll thank me in the future. No point dragging this relationship. It's already at the edge and I have no intention to push you off the cliff, but you left me no choice. I really hope you can live your own life. Good luck in the future.

Recently I've been spending alot of time at home, doing nothing. @@ I need to find a job since I gonna have my 3 week holiday right after my Monday exam! I don't want to slack around. I need money to sustain my life without depending on my mother. I don't want to add anymore burden to her, my sisters. I am a boy and I should be taking care of the family, not vice versa.

People who know me well enough knows that I am not the pray until something happen kind of person. If I want something, I don't pray. I will do whatever it takes to reach the target, of course in a correct way. I don't understand why people like to say "hopefully this can work out, that can become true." Instead of hoping for it, why not try to make it happen by your own hand? What's the point of you waiting there and pray for miracle to happen? Miracle doesn't happen without any hard work! Seriously, stop praying and start act on it.

" Life is going to knock you down, from time to time, just like a good boxer. The difference in success and failure in life is whether or not you get up or stay down and it's a choice. I choose to get up and fight on."
Written in 2008 by W.P. Garrett

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guess what?!

I have quite alot of guess what for YOU to answer. Too many till I need some time to arrange it.

Let's start from my education shall we?

First Guess what?

I'm having MUET this coming Saturday and 2 of my final subject on coming Monday. I'm actually quite prepared for my MUET, since alot of people told me that it wasn't as hard as what we think. So I figured, okay then I shall lengah lengah abit. :P But about my finals, I'm not really prepared yet. Especially philosophy. :S It's not to say very hard, but I didn't study for that. So I'm practically doomed. Just waiting my time to come.

Second Guess what?

I'm gonna be a double major student next semester! I've finally decided to go for Psychology and Mass Communication major since it requires the same amount of subjects compared to me taking only one major. I figured that double major would be a better choice for my future as well. I don't think it'd be hard for me cause I took some of em already. Now I need to concentrate on my other untaken subjects so that I can finish of on time! :D

Third Guess what?

I've quitted competitive gaming. I figured I don't have that extra time to commit on other thing besides my education. I've totally lost the urge to fight for more and I think they've already found a better replacement to replace me. I've mentioned that I will leave if they find someone is better than me. Now there is and I feel happy for them. Another reason I dropped it simply because I have no more time to spare in my education life. I'm 23 this ear and I have still yet to complete my studies. It's abit shame lor. :S

Fourth Guess what?

I'm going to move away from my current house. Simply because he have no more money to continue to pay the installment he loaned last time, which put my status in jeopardy if I don't sell the house now. I don't know where I will be moving to cause my sister wanted to rent a house nearby so that it's easy for her to go to work early morning. Frankly speaking I'm really sad when I heard that we have to sell this house. This house had been accompany me since the day I born and I have no intention of leaving this house in any circumstances.

Fifth Guess what?

Despite I'm going to move away from my current house which really makes me sad, but I'm happy for my family for drawing a fucking clear line between him and my family. He does not treat us as part of the family, always say that side is still young and they should get the priority first, which is utterly bullshit statement to me. But nevermind. We've drawed a clear line with him, I'm delighted. I don't have to see him anymore. Nothing made me more happier than this.

Sixth Guess what?

I have no father afterall. Just a bastard who thinks money is everything. As for now, I only have my mother, and my two sisters. (:

Seventh Guess what?

My ex couldn't spell my Chinese name correctly, just like he did. I mean, if you really in love to that particular person, aren't you suppose to be crystal clear about that person? I can't believe she spelled my name wrong just like he did. You girl, really turned me off.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Finally I've finished my informative presentation and my drama. It was a rough day on that day and also a memorable one. I don't think I'll be forgetting about it for the next few years to come. Anyways, I got 19.9 out of 25 for my informative speech and 19 out of 20 for my drama presentation. I'm not really satisfied with the speech but definitely satisfied with my drama presentation. I'm actually hoping for an A for my public speaking class but now I think the highest grade I can reach is B. ):

So finally I finished two of my major assignment, but I still have a statistics presentation and persuasive speech to do in coming weeks. This is bad cause I haven't done any single thing to prepare my slides or info yet!

Now I'm planning to take double major. The second major would be communication! I don't know why I want to take that but hey, I definitely can tell you the ONLY one reason and you'll say my decision is right! From what I see, if I'm taking single major, which is psychology, I am required to take 40 subjects, regardless of UIU or ADP. But in double major, which is psychology and communication, I need to take 40 subjects as well, regardless of UIU or ADP! So instead of spending the same amount of time doing one thing, why not do two?! Correct?!

But the thing is that, I don't have much time left. Apparently my time is running out and my fund are not enough to even support me to continue my studies. Reason? One and only. That fella. I've total lost trust and began to hate that man as day goes by. Eventhough he is the one who brought me into this world, but still I don't see him contribute as someone he should besides stuffing me the money.

When I was at HELP, I did not pay attention to my classes, I skipped my class and my CGPA was screwed, literally. But now I'm different. I'm concentrating in every single class I attend and I keep track of my CGPA now. I'm really wanting to make this work. I can't keep my mom to worry about my academic anymore. I need to be a man she dream of. I want to be a man she can depend on.

I know I can do it. But I need more time. Can I have some more time please?