I was suppose to write something here but I do not know what to write.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

PC back online!


Oh my god after so many weeks without internet at home, I've come back to life! Finally I got time to play more games! start my assignment. GOSH I'm gonna left behind if not because of Chinese New Year holiday. >.>

HEHE! Pictures will upload tomorrow, wait till i go office cause there got faster connection than my home. :P I think there will be 2 album cause I took more than 200 pictures!

I lazy update! That's all! Let me think more + better mood. <3

Love ya :3 :3

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weekly catch-up

Still no connection at my place despite I borrowed PC from office. Walau eh. I'm so bored at home, until I need to borrow desktop from my sister to online. Sibeh kao lat!

Anyways, just got back from Thailand like 2 days ago. I had so much fun while I'm there! Compare from what I heard, there's less ah gua than I heard. Actually there's quite plenty of girls who are attractive enough for me to even look at them twice.

If you looking for picture, I'm TOO lazy to update. Maybe soon la. :P

CNY is here, so is Valentines day. HEHE!

Oh soon I'm going to a house party! Whoever is interested, do let me know! I'll send you an invite over facebook! :)

CLICK THIS --> Invitation link <-- CLICK THIS!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm off to Thailand!

Yay! I'm going to Thailand to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family! This is the first time we leave Malaysia for vacation during Chinese New Year. So excited about it and I'm really looking forward about this trip. Hopefully there's something for me to buy as I heard my friends said there's no size for me. WTF? OMGGG!!

But nevertheless, I'm going to take ALOT of picture! Finally I have the REAL chance of me testing out the camera! Yesh! I have so many things to buy since I got my pay. HEHE! I'm leaving around 4.30am later so you guys won't get to see me! But yeah, I'll snap alot of photos so that you guys can see me enjoying my holiday at Bangkok! :D

That's all for this post, SOOO excited!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Silly little thing

Girl, everything I walk pass you, you know how much I want to go in front of you and talk to you, introduce myself to you, get to know you.

You know, you're like an angel to me.

Seeing you everyday is the energy that brings me to work.
Seeing you everyday gives me the energy to go further.
Seeing you everyday gives me the strength and immunity to do what I'm doing.


If I don't see you, I feel sad.
If I don't see you, I feel lonely.
If I don't see you, I feel disappointed.
If I don't see you, I feel unmotivated.

Is it okay?

For me to walk pass you everyday?
For me to see you everyday?
For me to talk to you everyday?
For me to hold your hands everyday?

Girl, you drive me crazy. How I wish you're on my side now.

You, complete me.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sexual intercourse the man on heaven.

I have no intention to curse but that fella really left me no choice.


I just want my motherboard to be fixed! If you can't do it or you can't get my mobo to fix for free, god dammit tell me already. I can't afford to wait for you for so fucking long just because you're trying to give me some stupid reasons of not trying to fix my motherboard. BAH! I don't really want to care about it anymore. If he still not replying me next week, I gonna bring it to somewhere else.

Now I want to concentrate on my studies. Statistics, Philosophy and Public Speaking. My oh my, I started to regret taking Public Speaking this early because I just got told that 5 of my friends are taking Marketing Principle. OMG! I should have go for that class instead of Public Speaking! Now I'm seriously regret about this decision. ARGHH!!

Over the weekend there's something happened. Something will change me as a competitive gamer. Offered had been came to me and it's up to me if I want to do it and if I'm up for it. But even if I could, I still need another 2 or more people to tag along. Geez. >_> I believe everyone wants it as a competitive gamer. No one says no to that opportunity unless they are really not heading to the direction I'm trying to go. But if I got selected, there will be alot of commitments. I don't think I can cope it. <.< People are like that eh? They want something but they can't afford to lose anything just to get to their destination.

Am I progressing in any ways? Gaming, life, social, studies? I really hope I am. I want to finish my studies fast so that I can focus on other things. I want to complete it faster so that I can be independent. I don't want to depend on him anymore. He is the pain I want to forget. He is the dirt I want to wipe it off. Eventhough it's impossible for me to draw a clear line with him, but still I want to. Whatever he did to me, even if he say sorry it's definitely not enough.

Too much to rant till it off topic. Sedap. I'm off to sleep. 0830 Statistics class. effing awesome.