Class going to start soon. But apparently the timetable changed. There's one additional class for Biology to be taught by a lecturer where everyone say shes far kind than Mr.Chong. At least she don't screw you over during your finals. But the only sad part is that I have to wait from 11.30am till 3.30pm just for my class. So what I do during this 4 hours of freedom?! Hmm.. Now I'm thinking cause I have few options;
1) I take the 3.30pm class, and apply for gym so that I can go workout during the 4 hours of free time.
2) Ignore the 3.30pm class and go back-to-back class from 8.30am till 3.30pm but get to leave early to avoid traffic jam.
Recently just too much of unhappy moment until I am really exhausted, literally. But luckily I have my friends to accompany me for roadtrip to Langkawi. I'm really grateful that I have friends like them, although the real intention of that roadtrip wasn't for me, but is more than enough.

Time to concentrate on my classes now. Need to score!