I never ever thought of a girl would play foosball and be so good at it. I seriously speechless when I saw her play. Shes so good at it, I don't even dare to play foosball! :S

*Girl: "Watch me using defender to break off your defense!"

*Boy: "Bring it on! I never kena break by defenders!"
In case you are wondering.. Yes that girl eventually break his defense more than 2 times.

Of course they are not the only one who plays the foosball but they attracted almost every single person who stands nearby them. So it's like rivalry. :D

When the time hits 6.30pm, the UCPRO organization has started to open registration for new members. I'm lucky enough to be the fourth to register. Means I get all the freebies they giving out! :D
I'm lucky enough to snap some random pictures to share with you guys :)

*Nobie: "Yeeer why they giving out so little stuff wan.. kiam siap!"

Please use your imagination to think about what are they thinking while they are posing. Some of them are really wrong. LOL!
The award ceremony is going to start soon!

Everyone is eagerly waiting..

One of the invite organizer, as well as the well-known Malaysia FIFA Champion, Si_jali!

Next picture..!!
. . . . . .
In case you are wondering.. Yes my digicam died due to low battery! Darn it lar! Didn't get the chance to take the picture while they giving out award. :(
Sad sia. :(
- Conversation marked with * are purely fictional, created just for the sake of funny. Don't shoot me please. :(
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