Finally I get my team to be sponsored by Sunway Rock Cafe. I had finalized one of my dream and I'm going to move on to the next target real soon. Recently plenty of things happen and there's some small conflict in the clan. But again, I know this will over and I know I can solve it. Our target is World GameMaster Tournament. I'm planning to at least knock out one team or more. That will be my objective on the tourney. No more "exposure", but winning is the one I'm going after. We're gonna give all we can, and I hope this time all the hard work we've putted in, can get reward.
Hopefully other team can improve as well cause we're gonna live on a standard, instead of just wondering around like headless chicken. Rebuild the clan for months, I guess is time to improve already. Although I do expect alot of them, but that's also for their own good. I cannot take it when I see some of my clan member is actually alot weaker than other members. I want all of em to improve, and at least live in the standard I'm going to set. Hopefully they could make it, because removing them from the team is not a good idea as well. =/

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