I was suppose to write something here but I do not know what to write.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

100th post!

HA! 100th post! What should I write? Hmmm..

I'm working on my project at the moment, and so coincidentally I'm taking a similar subject in my college, named The movies. Basically it teaches you the angles, shots, and color you should use in a particular situation. I think I gonna learn alot from there. :D

This is my project if you are wondering.

Didn't realize until the day. American Civilization and The Movies taught by a same lecturer. Well that's a good thing. I can ask her about American Civil questions in Movies class, and movies in American Civil class. I think I'm going to enjoy the class more than I expect. :)

I spend the whole Saturday afternoon for my project. Although is half way done but I feel I can do it better. Still trying to fix it and make it perfect but it's not as easy as I think it would be. Nevermind, I'll try more harder to make this project a successful one!

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